Our dog Mick, who we've had for.. I don't even know, 9-10 years, only has 4 more days. (Click photo to enlarge)
His breathing and panting has been so bad the last month and a half, his liver was swollen up to a size and half bigger than normal but has shrunk back some, and it's hard for him to get around.
Get home from work tonight, see my sister's comments on brother's facebook. Confused, I go to her page and read that he is to be put to sleep on Friday. Can't lie, I'm so upset as I type this out. Many tears. He has been the one constant happy, carefree thing I've had while growing up. I feel closer to him than most, and I think he has always had that towards me in return.
The last few nights he has laid in my room, I wring a wet cloth out over him to keep him cool, and a fan on. Tonight, if I stop petting him for 10 seconds he grunts or starts moving around. Just now.. he can't stop moving around or being restless. When I turn back to type he starts licking me.. he's been licking away at my legs for almost 20 minutes. It's so hard to see him toss and turn.
I have to stop... more on this later. (2:02 AM)
EDIT (8:14pm): Found out today, that the rear part of his abdomen is filled with tumors, and that he probably won't last another month on his own. So upset still. Luke Young came by and dug his grave with a bobcat yesterday, in the backyard.