
St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day 2011 was a grand evening. I believe it was a very meaningful night for many reasons.

For one, it was the first time that we have really gone out, and gone all out, since I've moved down. It was a no-holds barred night of going places we had intended to and doing what we had intended to. And in my opinion, helped to further seal the patch on what has been a few stressful weeks between certain individuals. The only negative was that I stayed up much later than I should have on an empty stomach and hardly any sleep the night before, and went to bed without throwing my phone on the charger. Therefore missing a substantial portion of the work day, and worrying my co-workers. While the good times of that night will no doubt happen many more times, this missing work thing will not. When I awoke in the late AM, I was very surprised at how late I had overslept even without an alarm. Normally I still wake up around 8:30-9 even on the weekends. But there we're many other surprises as well that I seemed to have missed out on after going to bed. Surprises that no one else could explain to me either.

The Fallout

These surprises we're all quite the mystery to everyone. Such as, how exactly someone managed to get a black eye, how someone's shirt managed to get all dirty on the front with shoe prints on the back, how gravel/stones got neatly lined up next to our balcony door (not the front door. Plus, we're a second floor unit..), how glasses we're broken and wallets lost, and how someone managed to get lost and left behind throughout the night. Some of these will probably be left unanswered for the remainder of eternity (yeah, I know).

I think I might be alright with that.


Wow. What a Tuesday night

Keep in mind, this is last Tuesday. The night started off with a 4-1 loss for the Crew in addition to our 8-2 loss in indoor.

Once at Hooligans, the drinks started coming. Soon we had the idea to head over to the Continent and meet up with other friends. This turned out to be a huge mistake. Shortly after arriving, it was clear that all of our friends were decisively intoxicated. It wasn't long before words fueled other words, and bar staff became pissed with someone. Now, at this bar, apparently minor disagreements are cause to be grabbed by the neck and shoulder and pulled towards the door. This didn't sit well with others in our group, who decided that even the bar GM wouldn't be able to get away with this.

Soon there was shoving, punching, people on the floor. It was a great sight if you're into seeing all hell break loose. Columbus Police were called. Minor scrape to my face and behind the ear, no biggie. But a friend of mine did get a pretty nice gash opened towards the back of his head, so I followed him to Mt. Carmel West to see that he made it there okay.

Wow have I missed Crew season.. and this was just CONCACAF, MLS doesn't start until March 19! It's going to be a fun year.


Columbus til I die! - 614 Magazine, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011 City Life
Check out this issue of 614 Magazine.

Many articles on the life of a Crew supporter, as well as looking into the whole supporters culture here in Columbus.

Not to mention that I'm included in the cover page photo..even more of a reason to check it out. Do it!