
Adding to the work load, some Italiano

Tonight marked my first night back into the world of Arby's. A couple training videos, a walk-thru of the store, and getting the paperwork done. I'm pretty stoked to have some extra cash start flowing in. The only thing left is to figure out just exactly how many hours I'll be working. I obviously cannot work days (Hilton: M-F, 9:30-6), so it's weekday nights and weekends. We'll see.

Buon giorno. Finally got back to the grind on learning the second language- Italian. Even now while I scrive, I'm thinking I'm going to nail this. I got 3 times farther tonight alone than I ever did before my laptop crashed.

Only one thing left to do, and I'll put it in english - goodnight.


Voting Day: Many victories to Ohio

The big win tonight, obviously, is the defeat of Issue 2. I cannot wait to see the "outrage" of SB5's supporters. This is an awesome result for the state.

Columbus-wise, I believe the re-election of Mayor Michael Coleman is another win. Of course, I'm knew to the city, but I've had many small conversations with the man and can say he is a very likable guy and always takes time to hear you out.

The defeat of Issue 3 is another win. If the issue had won, Ohioans would have been required by law to purchase health insurance or face fines. Tonight, I'm proud to be an Ohioan.

While we're on political stuff, Herman Cain is a complete moron. Dude.. quit lying.


Tonight, I spent some time studying. Wait, what?

That's right. Back to the books. It's funny how certain paragraph's can take you back to exact conversations that occured over 4 years ago.

I think about Rachael's friends from Mercy and how they had all been in the same class.

What happened to my class? We were all so close at one point. Maybe it's the fact that we all went and did completely random things after graduation, therefore losing all common ground. Though, I thought we were more than that.

Somewhat saddening.