Between my travels and within my writings, it becomes clearer and clearer to me that the timing of events, of situations, in one's life only have purpose within just that - one's individual life. It doesn't involve a higher power, it doesn't involve any other human or future. It is all you. This timing prepares each and every one of us for those "how do I?" moments. The only way we overcome, the only way we survive or succeed is based on one simple thing. When we arrive at those moments, what have we done throughout the years of our pasts to answer this question in the present? What scenarios did we learn adversity from? We can pretend to ask others for their opinion, advice, or their solution. None of that matters. Friends, family, gods, strangers, co-workers, etc. You can perceive their input as important as you want; fact of the matter is that if you follow any of the aforementioned, you are in no way true to yourself. You leave your path. You redirect your journey.
Your educated gut feeling (it is educated whether you feel it is or not. Your life has specifically prepared you for these moments. Moments that may be falsely common to some, but are truly unique to you), the one that certain third party opinions will stand behind and others will try to thwart, is the one and only way. Some will have experienced similar chain of events and each will give what they believe is the adequate equation to solve the problems that find you through life. Again- your past experiences, your common knowledge, that "gut" feeling to make a decision that disregards the social norms. The options you weigh on your mind are yours and yours alone, no matter how common they might seem among those around you. Each thought, each passing minute, each sunset has a message. If we don't take the time to add these messages up as they come, then we scramble for answers when a critical moment arrives. We seek the help that others ultimately cannot give, no matter how close the friend, how loved the family member, or how high the god. Have you paid attention to the timing of events in your seemingly normal, routine, every-day life? You will not make it through as your true self if you don't.
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